Everyday actions make a difference

Zeleni lets you earn money while saving the planet

Zileni IOS app
What we do. Why to join us

Simple and quick activities that will help you kick start your climate jorney and contribute to a better world

Sustainability Pays

Experience the benefits of living green. Gain discounts and gift cards for your green actions.

  • Rewarding Recycling: Make recycling a rewarding habit.
  • Eco-Conscious Shopping: Earn while you shop with the planet in mind.
  • Sustainable Travel: Your eco-friendly commuting pays dividends.
Zileni IOS app

Unlock Discounts & Gift Cards

Take simple green steps and receive exclusive rewards, like discounts and coupons. Your path to sustainability pays off!

Zileni OS app

Rewards for Every Step

Choose to walk, bike, or take public transport and Zeleni will reward your earth-friendly moves. 

Recycle & Earn

Your recycling know-how brings rewards

Green Points System

Collect points and cash them in for your earth-loving actions!

Zileni IOS app Zileni IOS app Zileni IOS app


Mobility refers to your travel from point A to point B. Your choice of transport matters—consider its environmental impact. Choose:
  • Walking or Cycling
  • Public Transportation
  • Eco-Friendly Routes
  • Train Over Flying
Zileni IOS app


Gain rewards for choosing businesses committed to sustainability and eco-friendly actions. Support your local economy, minimize waste, and ensure your spending has a positive impact—all while earning perks.
  • Shop Local
  • Make Thrifting Fun
  • Shop Eco Online 
  • Choose ESG-Forward

 Zileni app


Diligent recycling offers boundless benefits, sustaining our planet for generations to come. Transform waste into resources by helping to process used materials into new products. It's good for communities and the planet. Did you know that recycling: 
  • Shrinks the pileup in landfills and burn-off in incinerators
  • Safeguards our forests, waterways, and mineral reserves
  • Strengthens our economy with domestically sourced materials
  • Curbs the need for new material extraction, preserving clean air and water
  • Cuts energy use versus producing new materials from scratch
  • Bolsters job growth in the American recycling and manufacturing industries
Zileni app


Take easy eco-friendly steps and earn fantastic rewards like exclusive discounts and gift cards.
Zileni IOS app
Zileni IOS app
Only for IOS

Download now and start your sustainable journey!


Who Is Zeleni?
How Does Zeleni Work?
Ready to Join Zeleni?
Is Zeleni Secure?
How Can I Make a Difference with Zeleni?